Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I had a dream in which hordes of people left a Mormon gathering in laughter after a black woman read a tract describing the Mormon view of Whites and Blacks. I then had to walk across that field, stepping carefully to avoid the huge piles of elephant shit. Where did I end up? In a huge auditorium full of naked Thelemites. Not perfect, but much more pleasant.

The Swede Transvestite is coming for a visit. I'm going to make him ride bitch, reliving our days as room mates when we would disco to The Village People while wearing boots and hats. Yes, boots AND hats.


X said...

And socks! er... A sock.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking some chaps would go well with that sock.

Bree O'Connor said...

Tube sock or "footie"?

X said...

Or maybe a Gourd

Bree O'Connor said...