Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Abolish the Minimum Wage!

I picked up a lot of supporters at work by telling them my (stolen) idea. Abolish the minimum wage and replace it with a maximum wage. No individual can make more than ten times (x10) what the lowest paid employee makes. If some guy wants to make a million bucks, then everybody under him has to be making at least $100k. If you don't like caps on your income, become self employed and do all the damn work yourself. Technically if you opened a cafe and weren't making any money, you wouldn't have to pay any of your employees. And technically, they wouldn't have to work for your bum ass.

Of course I don't believe that this would solve many corruption issues. No matter how air tight you tried to make it, clever fookers would figure out a way to exploit it. It's just the kind of thing the people want to hear.

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