Saturday, May 13, 2006

Consumption Junction

McDonalds got hit really freakin' hard by the whole Super Size Me business. They had to start down playing the huge soda and giant fries while trying to offer 'healthy' alternatives. So did the other fast food chains. The gig was up.

But in the last couple of weeks I've seen the new push. Both Taco Bell and Jack in the Box are urging people to add a fourth meal to their day.

My message to all the fast food chains. Spend massive amounts of money lobbying for the legalization of pot. That way you are doing somethng useful AND boosting your late nite sales.


List with Laszlo said...
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List with Laszlo said...

With brilliant ideas like that your 2008 Presidential campaign just gained huge contributions from the food industry. You are a marketing genius!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I'll try not to let it go to my waistline.