Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Practical Side

My dad had a dresser in the basement, next to the old claw foot tub and shower. That's where he kept his barn clothes and work clothes from his days at the foundry.

It has taken me a while to catch on to the true practicality of that. This week I moved my dresser into the bathroom downstairs. My smelly work clothes from the factory always come off in there when I come home and take a shower. That means the laundry basket always needs to end up there. Why not centralize it?

What would make even more sense is putting the washer and dryer in there as well. Rental property so that won't happen. Space would also be a concern. But it is something I will keep in mind if I ever decide to build a house. A 'personal cleaning center' makes practical sense. Clothes and towels make up the majority of the laundry. Sheets, table clothes, and rugs are occasional wash items. Why not put the laundry facility where most dirty laundry is generated?

Hmm... suddenly naming the capital WASHington makes more sense.

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