Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fuzzy Head

I seem to have picked up a cold this weekend. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and a nose that would not stop running. Stuffed a snot rag in my back pocket and headed to work.

And I stayed three hours late. Two hours were over time that weren't really over time. The company counts holiday pay separately, so I have to work at least eight hours of 'over time' as straight time before the time-and-a-half goodness kicks in. Buggar all.

The last hour was 'me' time. I took my defective master cylinder into work and honed it out so the plunger would move freely. Which now it does. My head was exceptionally fuzzy, my body sore and tired from working while fighting off my cold, but I worked through it with the help of a snot soaked rag and now have a functional master cylinder for the chopper.

At least it seems functional. I'll find out for sure when I hook it all up. How addicted to my motorcycles am I? An 11 hour day to get the chopper working when it's supposed to rain? I live in a fool's paradise.

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