Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Personal Jesus

Madonna defends mock crucifixion according to the BBC. Gotta love the crucifixion imagery for getting people all worked up. How many thousands of people did the Romans execute this way? How many robbers, rapers, killers, and free thinkers were nailed to some wood and left to die? I've done the crucifixion art thing. Man do people get PISSED! They'll call you all kinds of words they wouldn't utter in their precious churches. If you're going to criticize Madonna, at least do it because she is a talentless hack, not because she knows how to stir up plubicity.


X said...

She'll never get the last nail.

List with Laszlo said...

I can't believe the church even bothers to respond to such an overdone antic. Madonna has always sucked. It is funny though because I remember a church group getting one of my band's shows (The Unholy) cancelled and another protested. Yawn. If christianity quit getting upset it would cease to be fun to bother them.

Unknown said...

I wish Christians would protest my book because of its use of a Bible passage in a sex scene or the use of Christian iconography under the influence of LSD at a punk rock show. I could really use the sales it would stir up.

X said...

When Joanna's first book was banned from a publishers' organization contest, sales skyrocketed. Rumor has it that a powerful elected official even bought a copy. Fortunately for him or her, Eloras Cave does not disclose customer information to anyone.