Monday, May 29, 2006

Motorcycle Philosophy

I am currently taking a Clymer manual break from fixing the rear brake on the chopper. I am missing two key tools right now; a case of beer and a heckler. Somehow I am managing. And man can I lube a bike. When I pulled the rear axle it was thickly coated with the good glide grease. But in the process I came upon a very interesting philosophical question.

If ass-crack is revealed, and nobody is there to see it, am I really working?

My wife assures me that since I can feel the crack of my ass slipping past the belt line, that counts as observation. I am indeed working.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Of course you are really working. It is virtually impossible to perform any mechanical repairs without ass crack. I crack, therefore I work. If the work was done, a crack was showing whether seen by anyone else or not.