Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pro-Life Hypocrits

As someone who hates kids I am appaled by what some pro-lifers are saying about a 63 year old woman who has decided to have a baby.
The reports of Dr Rashbrook's pregnancy have sparked an outcry from pro-life groups.

Josephine Quintavalle, from Comment on Reproductive Ethics (Core), accused Dr Rashbrook of selfishness and said it would be extremely difficult for a child to have a mother who is as old as a grandmother.
So having a baby between the ages of 13 and 40 is God's plan. After that you are evil. Got it.

Personally, anyone who wants to have a kid can go right ahead and do so. I don't care if you do it the old fashioned way, go to a sperm bank, try to clone one in the bath tub, or sit in a seedy hotel room with a turkey baster full of hobo juice. Just have the common sense to leave when the damn thing starts screaming in the movie theater.

Those who know me will confirm that I do not actually hate children and will often be quite nice to them. I just prefer that they belong to someone else and spend as little time around me as possible. At least until they are smarter than me. Then they can hang out for several hours. This usually happens around age 5 and lasts until puberty.

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