Thursday, May 11, 2006

Know Blue Axes!

Taxes are bad. Unless you think the government should be buying you shit, then taxes are good as long as they aren't taxing you.

So the government is trying to pass yet another supposed tax cut. Fine. Whatever. The national debt is currently so outrageous I can't even think of it in real terms anyway. Any politician who tried to cut programs, cut government jobs, and raise taxes to actually pay off that damn debt would be tarred and feathered. I'm with Bush on this one. Let's just pretend it doesn't exist. After all, in many ways it doesn't actually exist.

I still love this photo of the folks in business attire with the balloons and anti-taxation signs.


X said...

They look like witnesses in the William Kennedy Smith trial.

List with Laszlo said...

I think those are condoms.