Friday, June 09, 2006

This is America- Speak Stupid

A restaurant owner in Philadelphia has put up a sign that reads, "This is America -- when ordering speak English." I have no problem with a restaurant owner's right to request a specific language be spoken when ordering in their establishment. I'll admit that if I was forced to order bento in Japanese I would be at a total loss and as such, would probably choose an establishment that used English. I could limp my way through ordering in French and could at least get a beer in Spanish. I'm linguistically handicapped.

My problem with this guy's sign is that he prefaces his language request with, "This is America." Is this the same America where the first amendment to the constitution supposedly guarantees freedom of speech? Excuse me, but I have the freedom to place my order in any language I please. Freedom of speech protects not just what we say but what language we choose to say it in. In return you have the option of disregarding anything I say, even if it is spoken in English.

To make things worse, along comes another idiot.
Roberto Santiago, executive director of Philadelphia's Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, said he was "appalled" by the policy.

"I think what's coming out of his mouth is racist," said Santiago.
Nothing racist on that sign. Looks to me like the guy doesn't want me ordering in Swedish. "I vuoold leeke-a a pheelly cheese-a steek und a cuke-a. Bork Bork Bork!" No, the restaurant owner is spouting ignorant nationalism and Roberto is spouting ignorant reactionaryism.

Und I'm spuooteeng ignurunt cunsteetooshunelism. Bork Bork Bork!

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Great post! I understand the man's desire to want orders placed in english in his establishment. I love the way you (finally someone has) pointed out the difference between racism and nationalism! Racism is probably the most misused word in our language, I don't know about the other languages. I only speak english... I hope that doesn't make me racist to some reactionary.