Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Happiness is Abstinence

Last break. Sitting around the table with five other people. One is checking his text messages. Another is talking on his phone. Another is slipping hers back in her purse after a quick glance. Someone comments that they hate carrying around a phone all the time. Someone else makes noise about people getting on their case about not answering their call because they know they carry the phone. More talk about having to wait just to leave a message.

Jake: It's easy. I don't carry a phone. I don't answer my home phone. If people need to get in touch with me, they will.
Brandon: He's got it down!
Jess: Look at the smile on his face!

Then there is some gibberish about pay phones disappearing and the need to carry a mobile.

Jake: You don't see them because you don't need them. They're still there, all over the place. I see them.

Of course I did not convince anyone not to carry a mobile. I just made them jealous of my disconnected lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

Thank you -- another sane soul!

Same thing here -- don't have a cell, don't answer the phone... My hang up is email, but I'm even better about that.

Its good to hear someone proclaim that they aren't needed. I'm sick and tired of, "How do you survive? I use mine all the time!"

My reply -- "If it is important enough for me to bother with, its important enough to wait until I hear a message on my answering machine -- at home."

Unknown said...

I have a cell phone. I have no service provider. I keep it in the glove box of the truck on long trips in case I want to call 911.