Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Only Solution

In a nation riddled with fear, I have the solution. Americans everywhere are terrified of another 9/11 and this fear is manifesting in physical forms. But I can stop it if you let me. People everywhere, I implore you, let's join forces and never let 9/11 happen again. To do this, take out your calendar, turn to the month of September, and cross out the 11th. Renumber this day the 12th and continue through the month until you have renumbered what was the 30th to the 31st. If we all do this, 9/11 can never happen again.

And to make certain there is never another Pearl Harbor, I suggest we rename it "Happy Fun Time Bay". Vote Jake!


X said...

We could delete September altogether and add a thirteenth month, Smarch. In seven years we could have 13/13/13.

X said...

By the way, when politicians start using the word "solution" it's time to get very nervous.

Unknown said...

When politicians stop claiming to have solutions they cease to be politicians.

wv: amosob

List with Laszlo said...

This is a similar concept to hotels that don't have a 13th floor. Isn't it ostriches that stick their heads in the sand to pretend there's no danger? Great idea. I'll bet since we can't read arabic, Muslims & the Koran don't really exist either. I'm feeling better already, thanks Jake.

Unknown said...

I'd rather do something meaningless that makes people feel better than to do something meaningless that makes people more paranoid.