Friday, August 11, 2006

Job Hunter

Anyone remember when I ran my Job Hunter blog? Of course not. Nobody read that crap. It was all about the more than 300 résumés I had submitted for various jobs and the creative writing that went into all of the accompanying cover letters. I shutter to think...

So now I've got this job that pays shit but I love doing. What should come along in the mail but a postcard from one of the places I had applied at. It stated that they were in need of new people and encouraged me to apply. Most of the places I submitted materials to I would just blow off. Nobody is getting me behind a desk again. But this was from . It would be switching, moving, and maintaining trains.

So I applied. Hell, they asked so nicely. I included a little humor. One of my professional references is the old farmer I used to work for. I figured if they bothered to call my references they might get a kick out of listening to one of the thickest Minnesota accents still alive. I can just imagine him rambling at them.
Oh, dat Jake Roth! He's a good worker. Still got a mohawk? Dem mohawks are good workers. Don't over heat on da hay rack. Skin heads are good workers too. Still got all dem rings in his face? You can attach a chain to dem and tie him to da train and he'll work all day long and into the night. You betcha! Best crop I ever had was dat year he worked for me.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Sounds like a job right up your should see how big the tools are you get to use!