Friday, August 11, 2006

Dream Journal

While waiting for my trophy in recognition of my grand accomplishments in the arts, a group of young men start harassing my young female companion about the profanity printed on her t-shirt. I swing around and push the biggest and loudest one back into a wall. "Free speech, man!" He starts to throw a punch, but hesitates mid-swing with a fearful look in his eyes. I grab his fist, spin him around, and push his face into the wall. "That includes words like fuck, piss, shit, cunt, bastard, and asshole to name a few." He is struggling against my hold on him, but I haven't finished yet. I lift him above my head, driving him into the low ceiling before pounding him into the ground. As he lays on the floor, arm twisted behind his back, shaking with his efforts not to cry, I lean down and whisper into his ear, "For more information, contact the ." I am then handed my art trophy, which is topped with a gold rimmed coffee cup.

I dream like a geek.

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