Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lieberman a Loser

Lieberman loses battle over war.
Lieberman conceded defeat but said he would file petitions on Wednesday to run as an independent in November.

"Tomorrow, we launch a new campaign to unite the people of Connecticut," he told cheering supporters at a downtown Hartford hotel. "If you're fed up with the nasty partisanship in Washington, then I ask your help."
This guy knows all about nasty partisan politics. As a Democrat he helped to keep Nader and LaDuke from winning so that the two major parties could end partisanship on their own terms. And you can tell he is serious about ending Washington partisanship because he tried to get the Democratic nomination before declaring himself independent. Being a non-partisan liberal means agreeing and voting with conservatives.

If the guy spins any faster he's going to have a dizzy spell and faint.

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