Monday, August 14, 2006

Days of Confusion

Keeping up with multiple news sources, each of them reporting on the news with their own variety of spin from paranoid religious right patriots to paranoid lunatic fringe conspiracy theorists, my world view has gone a bit tipsy. My head is swimming. The colors bleed into each other creating mosaic patterns of an ultra-reality beyond existence as we know it. The sound bites become visible and the snap shots scream. It is all one voice vomiting vitriol on a media canvas to create a collage of disinformation meant to keep us confused and powerless. Or is it a bunch of comedy sports fans spouting spin? Perhaps it is just the attempts of all these different sources trying to make sense of things that is really fouling up a world that cannot not and should not be understood but experienced.

Wait, am I supposed to take the yellow pill or the red one on Tuesdays? Oh crap. It's Monday!

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