Friday, August 11, 2006

How To Survive In An Age Of Death

President Bush praises the "solid" investigation that uncovered the plot. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says the British did it by following "threads." Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says we're working "to dismantle these terrorist cells before an attack occurs." Kip Hawley, the head of the Transportation Security Agency, says liquid explosives are "on our radar screen."

These are the metaphors of a bygone age. Nothing is solid for sure anymore, not even bombs. Between terrorist cells, there are often no threads. No dismantling is final. Radar's lousy in water.

We're living in a liquid world. All the solid lines—states, borders, battlefronts—are melting.
The illiterate and/or lazy can listen to the story here.

I get it! It's just like surfing. The waves might drown you, sharks might decide to take a chunk out of you, or you might take a dive and break your neck on a reef. Regardless, you just have to go out and keep surfing. Ignore the boundaries. Ignore the rules. Ignore the threats. Live!

A day will come when all of my metaphors will be either chopper or surf related.


X said...

I need to send you some Kiwi surf music.

Unknown said...

I need to surf New Zealand.

And you should probably track down the rack for the bug.