Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Nostalgia Scene

Yes, I listened to back in the day. Still do. I still have my copy of Goo as well as several other of their titles. But I never saw any of their videos because, well, farm kids couldn't get cable, poor kids couldn't get satellite, and I rarely watched TV anyway. So I saw this video for the first time today. It was like a spooky flashback. A couple of fresh faced geeky gawky teens in flannels and ratty jeans. A step back in time to an image that mirrored my own memories. But it was recorded at that time. Videos have a tendency to glorify the culture of their time and paint an unrealistic portrait. This video is as clear and accurate as a scrap book polaroid snap shot. They actually managed to see it and capture it. Only thing missing is the thick haze of cigarette smoke. Art. Kind of tickles.

1 comment:

X said...

Damn, I feel like I'm being sucked into the past these days.

If I start to look back on these as the best days of my life, somebody shoot me.