Friday, August 25, 2006

NSFW: Some Comedy

People keep telling this joke but I don't think they really get the point of it. I just keep hearing total rip-offs of the same version told over and over without making it their own. So here's my version.

You could probably watch this at work if you have headphones. It's not like I'm strokin' my willy or something.


iSirkus said...

I refuse to watch that.

Based on the principle of the matter.

Desert, pie and two guys? Yep, not gonna do it.

Sorry Love...

VW: usfrrr

Bree O'Connor said...

I hate to say it, but Bob Saget told it best. Mostly because Bob Saget is Bob Saget and it is just much funnier to watch him tell a vile joke because he's the lamest most unfunny, boring fellow. I expect shit like this from you. The element of surprise is gone. And even if I didn't know you, I'd be making a couple of assumptions just by looking at your mohawk. A valiant effort, however. I don't know many people outside the biz who would dare trying to tell this joke.

Unknown said...

I appreciated this Doug Stanhope telling.

WOOT! (Sorry KoP)

List with Laszlo said...

Saw the film too...nice twist.

Anonymous said...

Great version of the Aristocrats. As far as the movie goes, I'd have to say Gilbert Godfried and the mime had the best re-telling.

Unknown said...

I've never actually seen the film. I heard about it when it came out, was familiar with the joke, and didn't quite understand why someone would make a movie about it.

I have however found myself drawn like a fly to shit to the various versions I have found since the release of the film. None of them seem to be able to make it their own. Those who know me will know that this version, while blatantly ripping off other people's jokes at every turn, is at least MY joke.

Though I was very tempted to end with the film being called, "The Bush Family Reunion".