Friday, March 24, 2006

The Beautiful People

Went down to the Burgerville on Powell by the high school for lunch. What a grand time I had. High school kids are just like adults except they only wear one costume. Adults learn to hide elements of themselves that society finds objectionable. Those HS kids, while obviously posing and posturing their screwed up little agendas, don't yet have that obvious second layer. Several adults will put on even more layers. Ever met one of those guys who wears a suit to work, kicks it around town in khakis and a polo shirt, but secretly wishes they could wear ripped jeans and a Led Zepplin T-shirt?

2 cents, folks. School uniforms and dress codes are tools of the man to beat kids into a subservient mindset. All the chatter about discipline, school violence, gang clothing, and classroom distraction... utter bullshit designed to beat down the independent spirit, even if that independent spirit is trying desperately to look like everyone else. It's all part of the pack game.

What did I see...

That chubby kid with the frizzy hair and the algebra book. He gets his books dumped in the hall all the time.

That girl wearing the tight hip huggers and an even tighter top showing midriff. She spent over an hour this morning making sure her hair was perfect.

Those two girls with the spiky black hair. One is wearing black tights under shredded jeans, the other has on Carharts overalls. They spend all their free time in the art room and will spend their sophomore year of college as lesbians.

That kid with the straight dark hair who has managed to grow a wispy mustache. He still can't figure out why he doesn't get the ladies.

The tall boy with the mature face and a permanent 5 o'clock shadow. He's the one to go to when you want cigarettes and beer.

That table of girls in sweats. Not fat girls. Not skinny girls. Not pretty girls. Not ugly girls. It's got to be the high school volleyball team.

Hurray for stereotypes!

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