Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I dived in a little deep tonight. Doing nothing while in a recliner or on a couch in a relatively sedate room seemed so simple. Tonight I challenged myself to do nothing while sitting in the studio. This is a room where I spend my time browsing the internet, reading e-mail, watching videos, listening to music, and generally always occupying myself.

The initial urges were all about things I could be looking up online. After a bit this gave way to the desire to take off my boots. Such a simple thing, but the urge to stop doing nothing and take off my boots was much stronger than I would have thought. My brain was also bombarding me with images and sound samples. Synapses were firing at hyper speed providing no end to the torrential deluge. It eventually gave way to me smiling while realizing that I was experimenting in time travel. Yes it was all still forward, but I seemed to be traveling through it much more slowly than when I occupy myself. As this realization hit, I was shocked out of my nothingness by my computer monitor inexplicably coming to life. About 45 minutes had passed.

I now have this strange urge to do stretches before doing nothing.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Your computer monitor coming to life was just me checking in to make sure you are truely doing nothing!