Monday, September 11, 2006

The Truth About 9.11

This is how my morning went.

I woke up today at 9:10, looked at the clock, and fell back asleep. I then awoke again at 9:12, 9:11 passing by as strange visions I hope to someday understand. The truth is I will never understand those images that were broadcast across my screen in what seemed to last an eternity, but was only a moment. Professionals can give me their opinions, but they don't know either. We would all just be trying to make sense of the weirdness using what ever tools we have at our disposal. Trying to understand what it all means is like reaching out to touch the fog. It seems so solid, so real, but as you grasp at it, you realize there is nothing there to hold. Nothing to do but breathe it in and experience it whether you want to or not.

I rolled over and went back to sleep after that. At 10:38 I woke from a restless sleep, masturbated, and passed out again. I opened my eyes at 12:03, closed them again, dozed off, and finally woke up at 11:34. I'm not sure how that last one happened, but that's what I experienced.

I also don't know for certain how 9.11 happened.

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