Monday, September 25, 2006

Nothing At All

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours doing nothing. I'm really good at it. Some folks say they've done nothing when what they've really done is watched TV, read a book, or maybe went for a walk. That's doing something. I just sat in a chair staring off blankly. It wasn't a sitting meditation. Meditation implies either focusing on a single thought or trying to clear your head of all thoughts. I didn't do that. My brain continued to wander and play out its thoughts unhindered by any effort on my part. I did nothing. What really amazes me about doing nothing is just how active the brain can be when not engaged by anything. There seems to be a fear of idleness in our culture. Let me suggest that everyone should do what they need to do and then try doing nothing for a while.

Welcome to the Devil's Playground.


List with Laszlo said...

This being America, I'll bet you could do this for awhile then write a book about the benefits of doing nothing and become rich enough that you'll never have to do anything again. Your may have just come in!

Unknown said...

Someone please dare me to do this. Dare me to sit down on my lazy ass and do nothing and then tell everyone how great it is. I dare you to dare me.

List with Laszlo said...

I dare you! I double dog dare you!

X said...

Do it. You'll be the Dr. Phil of innaction.