Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cake and Eat It

! He's sorry that muslims are too stupid to understand that he was quoting from an independent source so he wouldn't have to take credit for how he really feels. Of course I'm paraphrasing, not quoting.

Muslims demanded an apology, the Pope apologized, looks like we can all forget the whole thing happened.


David said...

All religious fundamentalists suck, regardless of the flavor. This includes both the Pope and the idiots who can't accept the historical fact that Islam WAS spread through violence (as were Judaism and Christianity, at times).

Alan said...

As an atheist I can take a broader look at all religions and have reason to complain, however Islam is without question filled with more conservative extremist nutbags than all the other religions combined.

Unknown said...

As an ordained minister pantheistic agnostic teflon discordian thelemite honorary doctor of divinity (and I'm pretty sure there are a few other tags I could add) I would say that I've confused myself to the point where religious bickering gives me the giggles.