Sunday, September 24, 2006

Journal Entry

Was looking through an old journal and found something I'd like to share.
There's something inside me that wants out. It wants expression. I get this feeling often. I've had it for years now, off and on. It gives me this feeling that if I could just locate it and start the release process, all would fall into place. Some sort of chain reaction would take place that would propel itself out into eternity. At least my eternity. Have I seen it, felt it before? I want to say yes. I want to say that what needs release has its roots in something lost. No certainty of that, though. And even if that does hold true, I have no certainty that this lost bit comes from this incarnation's history. For that matter I hold no certainty that other incarnations have ever occurred. The lost bit could even come from some parallel existence. And that also raises doubts of its validity. No certainties anywhere. Just feelings and notions. On one day I can feel completely satisfied with my current state and then I wake up the next day with notions of regret. Do we merely make choices and proceed from them like some damn choose-your-own-adventure novel? Do we have options in front of us that we may deem right or wrong and will ultimately determine some sort of success or failure? I have no answers and feel like no one else does either. Perhaps some people just get lucky and call it truth.
Heed the words of the prophet. I know nothing and neither do you.

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