Friday, September 22, 2006

Sticks & Stones

Jay: What the fuck is the Internet?
Holden: The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another.
If someone is smart, they will never read the reviews of their work. If they make the mistake of reading them, a smart person will brush it off with a laugh. It could even be argued that the smartest of people are those who never offer anything up for critique.

I made the mistake of reading some comments from my material. Bad Jake! Bad!

Why should a comment questioning my farming background get my goat? It seems obvious that such an individual needs a serious beating with a clue X 4. The video he commented on contained images of me on my parents' farm and doing farm work. He either didn't bother to watch the material or suffers from some degenerative brain disease that blocks out bits of information that don't fit his particular world view. Still, I initially got steamed. But I calmed down and can now deal with the situation in the traditional internet way. Hey 'desperado', bite me.

Then there was this guy.

No clue what he was trying to say with the second part of the statement. His statement about me being ugly made me rewatch the video. Was I less than prime that day? Laugh at my vanity, folks. Seemed to me that I looked about like my usual self that day, and that ain't ugly. But to each their own. Perhaps 'laughingBun', who is 18 and from Roseville, does not find piercings and a mohawk attractive. The video really had nothing to do with my sexiness. It was a rather poorly done comparison of party politics featuring my pups. Maybe he thought I was one of the dogs, but they aren't ugly either. Only one way to deal with this impromptu beauty pageant judge. 'laughingBun' can suck my left one.

When you put your material into the public eye, you are going to draw a lot of critics. If you feel a connection to that content, the criticism will hurt. But it can also be a great source of inspiration. Because these people said stupid, nasty things, I was tricked into re-evaluating my work. I determined that really, they were just bastards. Yes, those two vlogs marked some of my worst YouTube work to date, but their comments were still stupid. I can deal with stupidity. After all, I've had to deal with some real .

It would still be fun to do the thing, though.
Banky: Well, *you're* in love. And you've both got your own monkey. What more could two guys from New Jersey want?
Jay: Well, to have all these fucks stop talking shit about us on the Internet.
Banky: What've I been telling you? There's nothing you can do about it. Unless you show up at all their houses and beat the shit out of them.

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