Sunday, January 08, 2006

What is so Sacred About the Rule of Law?

I have stated many times in real life, on my blogs, and even through a fictional character in Black Whole Son, that everyone I know is a law breaker. Outlaws, each and everyone. Apparently I'm not the only one who has noticed we have a very strange outlaw culture.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

I've noticed that usually the biggest proponents of the "Rule of Law" really mean for YOU to obey the laws they have, with no intention of keeping the laws themselves. For example the Bush Whitehouse with it's wiretaps and local and federal authorities violating your 4th Amendment rights in their "War on Drugs," or your local city council violating your 5th Amendment rights by siezing your private property to give it to a private developer. These are the first ones to violate your rights and inform you it is legal and you must obey the "Rule of Law". That rule of law? They can kiss my ass.