Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Mr. Hofmann

The inventor of LSD-25, Albert Hofmann turns 100 on Wednesday. I took a World Religions course in college. A very introductory course barely scratching the surface of the topic. One week was devoted to chemicals in religious practice. We talked about soma, peyote, mushrooms, even the wine and bread of the Eucharist. The middle aged professor, a short, mild mannered, and constantly smiling Presbyterian minister, told the class that he had taken LSD in the mid-1960's before it became a schedule one substance. He sincerely wished that there was some way he could arrange for a similar experience for everyone, but alas, it was now illegal to do so.

I wouldn't recommend trying to purchase the drug off of dealers, either. Most likely what you get will not actually be LSD. If you're lucky you'll get some mixture involving amphetamines and X. The less fortunate will get a concoction heavy on the PCP like the legendary 'brown acid' of Woodstock fame. Of course you could always make your own LSD to celebrate Hofmann's centennial. It would still be illegal, of course.

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