Thursday, January 26, 2006


I answered a maintenance call for packaging today and went back to that department to see what was up. One of the weekend crew was doing some overtime and needed her table loop join table fixed. Pretty standard stuff, really.

But she was so darn cute. This petite young girl by the name of Mai dressed in Gwen Stefani fashion with black jogging pants, pink tank top, and a ripped up black sweat shirt bearing in gothic letters the words 'Tough as Nails'. You just wanted to pat her on the head and say in a voice similar to that you would use with a puppy, "I bet you are tough as nails, aren't you? Yes you are."

1 comment:

Bree O'Connor said...

Don't be so sure, she might bite your fingers off. Don't forget how cute and petite Britt is and I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. I'm like 8 times her size but she could totally kick my ass. Of course, I'm also a giant chicken.

bawk bawk.