Monday, January 16, 2006


Aren't we just racing towards human equality on this planet? We're living in the freakin' 21st century and we can still get major news coverage about Chile's first female President. You'd think that trick would be old hat by now. But it's even bigger news because she is South America's first democratically elected woman.

While we here in the United States can puff our chests out proudly to proclaim that we once elected a President who was Catholic! Once. I mean, let's not go nuts all at once, right?

Don't take this as support for a possible Clinton run. I was thinking more along the lines of Queen Latifah. Hey! She's already Queen. Problem solved. What am I bitchin' about?


X said...

Wake me up when they elect nobody to be president. Then I might take some interest.

Unknown said...

Dude. The majority already does that. Just seems those who count votes can't wrap their heads around the concept that 'no means no'.

Woot! Word Verification=NAMMO

X said...

Okay, then wake me up when nobody is president. Or at least its an ostrich.

List with Laszlo said...

Unless you're planning a sex change operation I'm votin' Jake in 2008! Is this some kind of hint?