Monday, January 09, 2006

Sex as Power Struggle

If we, as a society, removed all sexual taboos as the out-dated modes of thinking they are, things like this couldn't happen.

Television evangelist Jerry Falwell couldn’t resist bragging and finally admitting the truth: he and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu did conspire—at a critical time—to trip up President Bill Clinton and specifically use the pressure of the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal to force Clinton to abandon pressure on Israel to withdraw from the occupied West Bank.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Interesting article in many ways. First off Clinton should have said, "Yeah, she gave me head and I liked it!" This would have disarmed all of his detractors as it was not illegal. Sex is a normal part of a healthy adult life and I distrust people who don't have sex.

Secondly, Why is a U.S. Religious leader conspiring with a foreign Head of State against a sitting U.S. President?

I'll bet there will be no fallout from our "conservatives" on this. Just another example of why there should be seperation of church and state.