Monday, January 30, 2006

More Doom!

An addition after some sleep.

My own pet preference views this exponential information increase as 'the end of time'. Ants view the world in an extremely 2 dimensional manner despite existing 3 dimensionally within it. Humans barely exist 3 dimensionally. Concepts of movement within the third dimension seem limited to the aerospace industry, computer animators, and people living and working in tall buildings in major metropolitan areas. Even when people look at a globe they tend to see 2 dimensional surface wrapped around a sphere.

But what if travel through time ceased to be a mathematical ray, a linear thing with only one direction of travel? Everyone seems fairly comfortable with the concept of time travel turning that ray into a line traversable to the beginnings and end of time. It gets far weirder than that. A little research into string theory and we can theoretically expand 'time' past the planar stage right into the spatial phase. After all, time and space are inter-related to the point that you cannot talk about one without invoking the other. We have space/time.

I often think back to when I realized that I was looking at the gravity models with the wrong head. Science teachers will try to explain it to you by using a funnel and rolling a ball bearing down the funnel. You watch it spiral down down down until it disappears. But again, that is a 2 dimensional explanation of a 3 (or more) dimensional phenomenon. When my head clicked and I could finally visualize that gravity funnel expanding into the 3rd dimension, my eyes glazed over. To really see it happening would probably require a third eye.

Damn, got my head spinning again. Space/Time expanding hyperdimensionally. Oi!

1 comment:

X said...

Now we'll need a fourth eye to see through the bullshit. Or a fifth...

A fifth always helps.