Friday, April 07, 2006

Too Much of an Anarchist

At a young age I started to consider myself an anarchist. Like a lot of things, people just assumed I'd grow out of it. I haven't. And like many other things people thought I'd grow out of, I've just gotten worse. For example, I used to be a voting anarchist. I figured until we got it all worked out and people decided they no longer needed leaders telling them what to do, I might as well have a say.

Fuck that!

Republican or Democrat?
Bloods or Crips?
Atilla the Hun or Genghis Khan?

Government exists to uphold rights. What rights? Property rights. Who has the most to gain from government? Those with the most property. The so called 'founding fathers' were mostly rich or land owners from the upper crust of society. We have today a government which they created out of a desire to stop the taxation of the rich and to protect the property rights of those powerful elite who already held it. Societies that have a concept of personal wealth have strong central governments. Even communists and socialists need a strong central government because they view wealth accumulation as the goal of the state for the good of the people they supposedly serve/rule over. Societies that have had no concept of personal wealth have no need for a strong central government, just 'ambassadors' to go and talk things over with the neighbors.

Founding fathers aside, what did the common laborer think of the war between the colonies and Britain? What did these people who were faced with a choice of either joining the revolutionary army or going to jail think of what was taking place? "Tyranny is tyranny let it come from whom it may."

Don't vote! It only encourages the bastards.


List with Laszlo said...

Many of our rights have been lost because too many people don't pay attention or vote. The last two presidential elections I voted Libertarian. My mother in law accused me of throwing away my vote. I explained that I was voting for the best candidate and that if more people did the dems & rebublicans would have to wonder why they were losing so many votes and either change their positions or eventually lose. Those arrogant fucks think they are entitled to my vote-wrong. Remember what happened in Minnesota when we voted in Jesse Ventura. It can be done. Vote Jake. Even if it's writing in your own name.

Bree O'Connor said...

My uppity side can agree with a point. But, ultimately, you have to choose whether you are going to put your back into it and help fix what we've got or you sit back with your, excuse me, rather arrogant position that allows you to point fingers but hold no responsibility for the state of the world. The rest of us don't need to carry your dead weight.

It's the same beef I have with George Carlin. He doesn't vote either, but he's based an entire career on telling the rest of us his political views. If he didn't believe that one man's voice could change anything or mean anything- that what the fuck has his career been about? What the fuck is your blog about? You care, but you just don't want to fucking chip in and there are millions like you just pissing away their time and their energy complaining, pointing and laughing because this plague of cynicism and superiority keep them from being involved. I agree with you that the system is fucked and tilted to one side, but if you encourage the masses to sit back and fucking deal with it as it comes- the wealthy white property owners will thank you for your support. They are just chomping at the bit to keep you at home on election day. You aren't doing ME any favors. You're just handing over your power and saying "hey, it's not my fault- I didn't vote."

You are an exceedingly bright man. I understand what you're saying. I just don't think you offer any solutions other than waiting for things to implode. That solution is unacceptable to me.