Saturday, April 08, 2006

Real Courage

Nothing like saying "Don't Vote" to stir up people's emotions.

This country was founded by the upper 10% of colonialists. Look through the signers of the Declaration of Independence and you'll see for yourself. The American Revolution was a war started by the new colonial elite made rich off the land and labor (tenants, servants, and slaves) of the new country. They were rebelling against the old aristocratic elite of Britain. Look at the early form of this government. In order to vote you had to be a land owner. As it became easier to control the outcome of votes, voting rights were reluctantly given up to more unsavory types like the landless, non-whites, and women.

Flash forward to 2000. That was the year I learned that a person does not have to win an election to win an election. That was the year I learned about 'voting discrepancies' and the unregistering of voters.

Last time I voted was 2004. That was the year that I learned about voting machine allocation, computer glitches, untrackable voting, provisional ballots, and voter harassment by law enforcement agencies.

If voting could make a difference, it would be outlawed. Unfortunately, if not voting could make a difference it would be outlawed. The curses of the damned.

So what is one to do if they don't want to legitamize the circus side show? Do I just sit back, point my finger at the mess, and sigh? Hardly. You may not realize this, but most people have no clue about the real history of these United States. So I educate them. I try to peel back those layers of propaganda laid on about the super-hero status of super wealthy land owners like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. I give them history as I see it, massive struggles between elite classes in which the workers get sent off to die over and over again. The powerful can build a revolution that way. When the workers revolt, it is generally a case of a situation reaching critical mass. I feed the flames.

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