Friday, April 28, 2006

Big Red Rocket of Love

In Rattling the Cage, an Easy Rider documentary, Peter Fonda talks about riding down the road on a giant phallus.

From Wikipedia: Any object that visually resembles a penis or acts as a symbol for it may also be referred to as a "phallus"; however, such objects are more correctly referred to as being "phallic". Such symbols often represent the fertility and cultural implications that are associated with the male sexual organ.

It is absolutely true. Especially for Harleys and choppers. The 45 degree V-twin engine produces a rhythm similar to that of a human heart beat, albeit quit a bit faster. So a Harley can actually pulse like a throbbing cock. Another thing about the Harley motors is the resonancy at which they vibrate. Just so happens that car stereo aficionados will install very fancy sub-woofers to reach the low resonancies that can physically drive women wild. But a Harley already resonates in that prime range women love. Some women have orgasms just going for a ride.

So yeah, I ride a big, loud, 100 hp vibrator to work. Maybe that's why I'm smiling when I get there.

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