Sunday, April 09, 2006

On Anarchism and Voting (yes, again)

In 1987 I watched a documentary in which Abbie Hoffman stated that the 1960's counter-culture was born out of the idea that, "there must be something better and if there isn't anything, we'll take that. Anything is better than this garbage." He also once stated that, "The only way to support a revolution is to make your own." Granted, Hoffman wasn't the best role model. My freshman year he committed suicide out of depression for a society and a generation that had lost its vision. I remember sitting in homeroom expressing my depression over his passing. Everybody said the same thing. "Abbie Who?"

"To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral."

Voting is a sacred act in America. I will admit to having more distaste for people who don't bother to vote than for those who do vote. But to actively say, "this game is rigged and I'm not going to play it anymore," is a supreme blasphemy. To say you don't believe in participating in voting in the US is equivalent to saying you don't believe in participating in Salat (the daily prayers) in Afghanistan or Iran. Just as Christians are continually encouraging me to pray to a God that is supposedly wiser and more powerful than myself, so do those in favor of representational democracy constantly try to get me to vote for someone supposedly wiser and more powerful than myself. Since I feel certain that no person is better fit to represent me than me and likewise that I should have no say in how others choose to live their lives, if I did vote, wouldn't I be a blaspheming hypocrite?

I might be the only person running for office that is actively encouraging people to vote for me by not voting for me.

1 comment:

Bree O'Connor said...

Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

Makes me wonder...