Monday, November 12, 2007

UFO's and Politics Again

For some reason the topic of UFO's, especially in regard to politics, is resurfacing this year. And now former pilots and officials call for new U.S. UFO probe.
Democratic U.S. presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich may have been ridiculed for saying he had seen a UFO, but for some former military pilots and other observers, unidentified flying objects are no laughing matter. An international panel of two dozen former pilots and government officials called on the U.S. government on Monday to reopen its generation-old UFO investigation as a matter of safety and security given continuing reports about flying discs, glowing spheres and other strange sightings.

Former presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter are both reported to have claimed UFO sightings.
And I've seen one. After a while you learn not to talk about it all that much. You just get sick of answering all the questions from people who weren't there and couldn't possibly understand. So you just live with it, get on with your life, and run for President.
"It's a question of who you going to believe: your lying eyes or the government?" remarked John Callahan, a former Federal Aviation Administration investigator, who said the CIA in 1987 tried to hush up the sighting of a huge lighted ball four times the size of a jumbo jet in Alaska.

"It would certainly, I think, take a lot of angst out of this issue," said former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, who said he was among hundreds who saw a delta-shaped craft with enormous lights silently traverse the sky near Phoenix in 1997.
Sounds like what I saw.


List with Laszlo said...

I've seen them too. Just because the government says something doesn't exist doesn't make it so.

rbbergstrom said...

I've seen multiple UFOs, on two seperate occassions.

One was a single-craft sighting, from close enough to rule out all the common "explanations" the government gives.

The other was multiple lights from a distance moving with agility greater than a jet at speeds far beyond a helicopter's ability.

rbbergstrom said...

And I like how the original article Jake quoted said Jimmy Carter is "reported" to have "claimed" to see a UFO.

That writer either hasn't done their homework, or has an agenda they are slickly promoting.

Saying it's "reported" casts it in the light of rumor instead of fact. Saying he "claims" to have seen a UFO does the same.

There's film footage in existence of Carter saying he's seen one. That footage first aired on TV decades ago. I've seen it again as recently as this month.

The U in UFO stands for Unidentified. Carter can be, is, and should be, a definitive source of whether or not he saw something in the sky that he couldn't identify.

To cast a Former President and Nobel-Prize Winner as a dubious source (especially in regards to that President's own visual experiences) speaks to the authors bias or work ethic.

It suggests the author (that Jake was quoting) either didn't do his homework (which, in the day of Google and Youtube, doesn't take much effort), or he chose words intending to discredit a particular viewpoint. It's one thing if that was some random dude's blog, but if it's coming from "serious" news media, we should demand higher standards and less manipulation.

Anonymous said...

I wanna see a UFO. Not just some unknown ball of light but an actual E.T. looking thing with windows and doors.