Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Flying Cars

Simply put, I am in favor of flying cars.

Mean Automakers Dash Nation's Hope For Flying Cars


rbbergstrom said...

You know, whenever I try to start something along the lines of Randall and Dante's conversation, it always goes something like this:

Me: So, say you have a magic hat. What would it do?

Him: Magic.

Anonymous said...

Why do we need flying cars if we have teleporters?

Unknown said...

Why do people drive convertibles when we have a fully functional bus system? Why do people surf when there are perfectly functional yachts?

Recreational vehicles. To feel the wind in your hair or across your scalp. The teleporter just doesn't give that same rush.

MetaHipster said...

this was labeled "presidential position" -- so are you saying you'll bring us flying cars if elected? sweet! Also, where's your jetsons clip from youtube? :)

Unknown said...

Just saying I'm in favor of flying cars. Meaning I won't ban them like they've banned human cloning, late term abortion and heroin.