Thursday, November 01, 2007


Kicking off another year of NaNoWriMo. Any documentation of this effort will happen over at Repeated Expletives. If you want to read the result of my 2005 endeavor, you can download the e-book or purchase a paperback over at My 2006 effort, while a very interesting journey, was far too random for publishing. I didn't want to subject even my friends to that.

So what's in store this year? Sequel!
No sense, no sanity. No rules or propriety. Can you dig that with a spade or a shovel? Then you might just get underground. There are good folks and lawful folks and never the two shall meet. There are bad folks and awful folks but only one can ride with me. This isn’t poetry, damn it! This is life. This is morning. This is when the rooster crows but that’s happening on the other side of the mountain. All the concrete and stucco and aluminum siding in the world can’t reflect the sound inwards to your little hole in the world. But you wake up. Sooner or later you have to wake up. The trick is to not go back to bed.

The road calls to you. The interstate is for everyone. The back alley can get you there. Do you dare? Do you care? Wrap yourself in leather and wrap your mind in tomorrow. This one is going to get bumpy.

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