Monday, November 19, 2007

Right to Strike

For some reason the writers strike is making a lot of people get all huffy and puffy in this direction and that. What is a Presidential candidate to do to avoid controversy and maintain his support base?

Screw avoiding controversy! I support all striking workers. Every last one of them. And so should you. Strikes happen when the members of the union decide they don't like the way things are and they want to see a change. So they unite and agree that while it sucks to make no money at all, that is exactly what they will voluntarily do until things change. It is a democratic process that represents the will of the majority. I figured most Americans would automatically be in support of such a thing.

And it always seems to end up being about the money. I want more money. You want more money. Everyone I know wouldn't mind having some more money. Even Bill Gates hasn't given up on the idea of having more money and continues to charge for his company's products. So when people say they want more money you should stand up, raise your fist in the air and say, "Hell yeah, brother! I want more money, too."

I think it would be a grand idea if everybody in all occupations across the globe from mercenaries to fishermen to iron workers to chefs to CEO's to politicians to the guy who has to mop out the booths at the porn shop, everybody go on strike now! Permanent Universal Strike! I endorse PUS! And so should everyone who is Still Fisting the American Dream.


List with Laszlo said...

Hell yeah! The reason people are getting crabby about the writers strike is it forces them to watch re-runs. The solution is simple, give the writers a cut of the DVD sales and America gets fresh shows.

X said...

Hmmm, no one has forced me to watch any reruns. Keep sticking it to the Man, writers.

Anonymous said...

The writers should stay on strike and get a couple of their buddies together and make online content. Then not only do the fat cats have to find real jobs but the artists/writers can have all the profits. Here is one very good example "Sanctuary".