Sunday, November 04, 2007

Clockwork Orangutan

No matter how much I am enjoying having an extra hour on this lovely day, I still think Daylight Saving Time is stupid.
Adding daylight to afternoons generally benefits shopping, sports, and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours, but it can cause problems for farmers and others whose hours depend on the sun. Extra afternoon daylight appears to cut traffic fatalities; its effect on health and crime is less clear. An early goal was to reduce evening usage of incandescent lighting, formerly a primary use of electricity; nowadays, though, DST sometimes increases overall electricity costs and peak demand.
A vote for Jake is a vote for abolishing this stupid ritual.


List with Laszlo said...

Another fine plank to your platform. There is no logical reason for it. If busnisses want to have summer hours let them. Don't make me get up even earlier then the 4:30 AM I already have to.

MetaHipster said...

i totally agree but think the summer hours should stick all year (not vice versa). I'm sick of driving home at 5:30 in the dark. granted I'd have to eventually but still. Also, my kids are totally screwed up by this mess and waking up even earlier than they were before.

Unknown said...

No dice. Earth time tracking should be based on the position of the sun. You should consider moving to the western border of a time zone to alleviate your problem.