Friday, November 23, 2007

Compulsive Voting

Australians vote to choose leader. Sounds good. I think Americans fought a war to choose their leader, but that was over 200 years ago. Now that we've been choosing our leaders for over two and a quarter centuries many Americans have discovered that it isn't much better than having one forced upon you. So they dropped out of the process.
Participating in elections is compulsory under Australian law.
And I've heard it said that the USA should do likewise. At one time in my life I even argued in favor of such a scheme. Now I am neither for it nor against it. Just like the most recent election in state of residence. We had two ballot measures, I read them over, and decided that I was really neither for nor against either one. In fact one of them was going to suck balls either way! It was either more of the same suckage or a change to a new kind of suckage.

That is why I neither condemn nor support compulsory voting. If not voting could make a difference it would be outlawed. If voting could make a difference it would be outlawed. Under compulsory voting I fear things might actually get worse! After all, there were states where in 2004 there was no need to rig the election in Bush's favor. There was an actual majority of voters who looked at the ballot and said, "The last four years were so fucking awesome I want four more years of that!" Thank you sir, can I have another! Under the current structure I can at least delude myself into thinking that the clear majority didn't want to vote for either of those clowns. Under compulsory voting I would have to accept that the vast majority are actually just lazy and ignorant.

Since I'm digging myself a bit of a hole here, I'd just like to remind the lazy and ignorant majority to vote Jake! I know that means you have to remember how to spell my name because I won't be listed as one of those little check-off boxes. So just remember to write in... never mind. Go ahead and choose whether you want to be ass fisted with the right hand or the left. Or stay at home and let someone else decide how you'll get raped.

Want to see me get excited about voting again? Add a "none of the above" selection. Until then keep Fisting the American Dream and Vote Jake! (Aren't I just Mr. Sunshine?)

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