Saturday, December 03, 2005

Santa IS Evil

We sat on the couch and watched 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' tonight. Some things I noticed.

Santa learns from the animals much like shamans do.

When the Winter Warlock's heart unfreezes and he wants to be good, Santa encourages self determination over salvation.

When Santa gets married, not only is the ceremony outside in the forest, but the bride is wearing BLUE! Way to go, Santa!

I'd swear the 'first christmas tree' has rose croix with unicursal hexagrams in the centers.

The extreme right christians might have something when they call Santa Claus evil. After rewatchng the old film even I like the Santa presented.


List with Laszlo said...
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List with Laszlo said...

You'll like Santa even more after reading this Saturnalia ritual! Io, Io, Io...or as modern Santa says, Ho, Ho, Ho!