Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Black Whole Sonnier

I thought about it for a while and have decided to cut the cost of Black Whole Son. You can now buy it for $1.00! Or just $8.05 for a printed copy (plus shipping). This is a first book, written in (less than) one month. The cover rocks! That's what makes the printed version such a value. But I make the same either way.

It really is a great book. Well worth the money to download a copy for a read. So the price has come down to take away everyone's excuse for not buying a copy. You'd spend a buck on a lotto ticket, and this provides some guaranteed entertainment.


List with Laszlo said...

I will have to check it out. Hey, can I get you to sign it next time you're in town?

Unknown said...

Just try to stop me!