Wednesday, December 07, 2005


This girl doing overtime freaked me out last night. Never worked with her before. Nothing really wrong with her. In fact, that's the origination of the freakiness.

Imagine an alien species is looking at humans in America. They scan our communications (radio, phone, and television) to determine our habits. They figure out what kinds of things are going on, what is acceptable, what isn't, and they are now ready to send an agent to the surface for some field work.

So they send the agent in to Walmart to buy everything they need, because it's America's number one retailer. They then try to put together a fashionable ensemble based on what they can get at Walmart and what they have seen in media sources. Trust me, it's very, VERY frightening.

Very nice person. Almost too nice. Almost. See, it's just sort of alien. It's almost like I should turn the whole situation over to the Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal.

1 comment:

X said...

Does she have 0.96 testicles?