Saturday, December 31, 2005

Rebirth of a Notion

I have a notion.

In the past I’ve really gotten down on the whole 1960’s counter-culture movement. I have questioned their intents and effects. But now I wonder.

Perhaps the hippies set the stage. Perhaps that great rupture of ‘peace and love’ was planting a seed. I will take that as the case for now. Those who study information systems will recognize that once an idea has found an introduction, it will continue to survive. For instance, even the idea of a flat earth persists and a handful of individuals continue to hold onto this idea. They find data to support it and much of it one could find very persuasive.

The concepts of peace and love, the purported foundations of the counter-cultural movement of the late 60’s, have universal appeal. Who amongst us can argue against the virtues of universal peace and universal love. Can we really say that these are inimical goals?

Another aspect of that time was the concept of personal and individual freedom. Are these not also gallant quests?

The 1960’s failed. The revolution many saw as inevitable through the strength of the Baby Boomers’ numbers never manifested. But that seed was planted.

I see now a bud forming from that seed. A pale stem lurks beneath the surface, pushing against the crust of the earth. As an experiment, let us all in this new year focus on doing everything we can to nurture this seedling. What harm can come from peace, love, and freedom?


Bree O'Connor said...

It's a nice seed. It is all in how you nurture it.

My moment of disillusionment came during my first major protest experience in the first Gulf War. I was enjoying the chanting, the marching and the feeling of power of the masses when I looked around and saw all this leering and lip licking. That's when I realized that most of these people didn't REALLY care. This was just another way to get laid- especially if you are a little, wiry guy who is good at sounding really sincere. Then I looked around at the carload of guys from ACC who brought me there.

Boy did I feel like a dumbass.

Now I look back on it and think I was a dumbass for leaving all that behind. I mean, what could be better than self-righteous-the-world-is-ending-and-we're-
the-only-ones-who-get-it sex?

N8ey said...

In careful introspection and self-examination and comparing it to written records and literature/stories, I think that people have difficulty giving up on their selfish urges required for universal peace/love/happiness.

Technology-wise and Socially we may have seen some kind of evolution/improvement, but the base mentality and emotional quality of humanity hasn't significantly changed in 3000 years of history, just the language we record it in.

So I think the universal peace/love/happiness will continue to fail after time as the naive wise up and see the lecherous trying to pretend they're part of the good vibes, and all they want is a good piece of action for an hour.

Until the lecherous can be convinced to care.

Unknown said...

N8, I never said peace/love/happiness. I said peace, love, and freedom. You're thinking back a bit to that whole bit about life, liberty, and the persual of others' happiness. But happiness is cool, too. Whatever floats your duck.

Bree. Of course guys there were trying to score. Guys EVERYWHERE are trying to score. A lot of women are, too. I can't go to the grocer alone without some chick checking out my legs. And what is sexier to a politically active guy at a demonstration than a fiery woman chanting slogans against the establishment?

So here's my advice. Stop worrying about others. You want the seed to grow, grow it in your own life in your own way. Universal peace, love, and freedom happen internally and will not always be recognizable from one individual to the next. Don't try to push yours on others. It makes them soggy and hard to light.

N8ey said...

Ah... correction taken.

You just said "hippy" and that's what I remembered.

It only mildly changes my thoughts. I still wonder about the fundamental nature of humanity ever being able to make that step.

It takes wisdom and comfort in oneself to be able to let others be and enjoy yourself.