Thursday, December 15, 2005

Difference of Opinion

Recently Knight of Pan and I had a heated debate over Stan 'Tookie' Williams specifically and the death penalty in general. As brothers fight ye!

Both of us have really strong opinions on the matter and we don't see eye to eye on it. But I want to thank him personally and publicly for an excellent discussion of the matter. It's this kind of discourse that I find the most refreshing. Of course, that's why I've always liked Knight of Pan.

A co-worker recently took offense to the fact that while we had many similar musical tastes, I didn't enjoy listening to Van Morrison. She was determined that somehow I had made an error of judgment. Explaining that I loved many bands that she had never even heard of didn't seem to patch over this rough spot.

When isirkus and I went to see the opening of Maybe Logic with a special Q&A with Robert Anton Wilson, a member of the audience questioned how he could like light classical but not contemporary jazz. Somehow the questioner felt that the author not liking jazz was a mistake that could and should be corrected.

As people, we won't always agree on things. Quite often we can't even agree to disagree. Somehow knowing that someone you love doesn't share the same world view as yourself seems 'wrong'. I have yet to find a single individual that will agree with me 100% of the time. We all have our differences. If I could have one trait in common with the rest of humanity, it would be the understanding that while we are all more alike than different, we are still all different from each other. Don't take it so personally.

And thanks to Hayduke for watching and commenting on the whole affair.

1 comment:

X said...

I agree and I have a theory about that.