Saturday, December 08, 2007


The UK is trying to get their voting numbers up. One proposed way would be to enter all voters into a lottery.
Dame Jane Roberts, chairwoman of the commission, told The Observer she believes it is time for some radical thinking to revive interest in voting. 'We want to incentivise voting and we are keen on the carrot rather than the stick. You could, for example, put people into a lottery. But it is up to local authorities to come up with all sorts of ideas that would suit in their local patch.'
Incentivise? That's a new word for me. That is corporate marketing speak if ever there was any. That is about as Lindsey Nagel as you can get. If you get that reference, buy yourself a donut. Incentivise!

Has anyone considered that low voter turn out might have something to do with the people running for... Incentivise! Damn. Just can't get that out of my head. Back to business. Some musicians will sell out stadiums but are you going to waste your time sitting through some piece of shit show just for a chance at a jackpot? Come on. They incentivised it. Okay, some people will. Others it will just turn off more. Incentivise? Might as well set up a buffet or an arcade.

Or maybe I'll go hold my own general election... with blackjack, and hookers!


1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

I learned a new word on the bus this week myself. On the way to work at 5 AM a black man was sitting in the back of the bus (the part I sit in) and was talking very loudly on his cell phone to someone. Who the hell you talk to at 5 AM on the phone I have no idea, but I digress. Here was his conversation: "Man all my cousins be in prison. When Leeno got out there was lots of people CONSEQUATIN'."

That's right CONSEQUATIN'. In the context I heard it in I can only assume it's ebonics for suffering consequensences.

So maybe Leeno uses CONSEQUATIN' to incentivise his friends.