Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Change Is Different!

Which is the more troubling trend in America?
  1. The people who say they want things to change but go about instigating this change in the same old boring ways they always have.
  2. The people who say they don't want things to change but will hop on board with any lunatic that says they have a new idea.
These two groups are made up of the same damn people! We've got a country full of racist rednecks who insist on funding Chinese Communism by shopping almost exclusively at Wal-Mart. These closet Fascists love filling up gas guzzling vehicles because they feel guilty about hating the Arabs and Latinos we get our oil from. A bunch of pro-American, flag waving, blindly patriotic fools who give almost all of their money to giant corporations that fuck them over and outsource their jobs. They love the abuse. And they yell and scream about how there aught to be a law against them being able to do such things to themselves so that they can be abused further when they break the law. They watch the cops on television entrapping people, illegally entering their homes, and giving them the smack down with little or no reason and get all teary eyed thinking, "That could be me." The nation suffers from codependency and the American people love the abuse.

It's almost 2008, and I want people to vow to make a change. Make it part of your new year's resolutions to shake things up a bit. Tired of things either not changing enough or changing too much? Probably both. Then vow to change that. I want every American to stand up and say, "I'm sitting down right here until I get what I want!" Be assertive and demand to be abused into submission openly and fairly. If you are tired of the way things are then wake up to a new reality. Call in well to work and don't show up. We are Americans! We can buy everything we want and that includes civil liberties, just never take them out of their protective packaging or they'll lose their collector's value.

Because the joke is on the foreign markets. All that money we have been paying them to do our jobs and make us products is absolutely worthless. The wealth envisioned therein is a figment of a dream of a reality that never was.

Are you tired of candidates that make sense screwing you over? How can someone who makes sense represent a country that is so damn messed up? Vote your wildest desires and greatest fears. Let someone who doesn't make any sense screw you over. Vote Jake!

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