Sunday, December 23, 2007

Buttons and Speech

I am very ill prepared as a candidate. While walking around the Pike Market in Seattle someone approached my campaign manager about his pin. Since I was right behind him and also wearing the same button, he referred the man to me. The man loved the button and was also sporting several pro-union and anti-war buttons on his coat. I gave him my pin on the spot. We spoke for a while with him doing most of the talking. A short while after parting ways he came back to find me and we talked some more. These exchanges made me realize how poor of a job I am doing with my inter-personal public persona. Up until this point the only people who have asked me about the pin have been people I am already acquainted with.

I need more practice talking to total strangers about my campaign. I've got the information in my head. I just need to get used to not acting with my usual 'I'm just going about my business' demeanor and instead make the person want to run away from the flood of anarchist propaganda I start spouting. After all, any sane person should want to flee when a politician starts spouting rhetoric of any kind. It should be the natural reaction. When Ronald Reagan said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help,'" he was a liar. The phrase is all too true, he just didn't mean a word of it. I mean it!

So I need to get the word out there. Government sucks. I'm running for President to shut it down. I'm also running for President so I can make cool campaign items that help people experience their own personal t-shirt nirvana. All Presidents are rat bastard liars. Irony is magnetic.

Help me become a total sell-out. Buy a button!

Large Buttons - Accessories Anarco-American Button

Anarco-American Button

Small Buttons - Accessories Dominoe Effect

Dominoe Effect

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